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冷冻雾霾(Freezing Fog)策展团队成⽴于伦敦。公司在2021年起从事在英国境内的艺术展会、⽂化创意等综合性展览业务。帮助艺术家开拓国内外艺术市场。 公司拥有⼀⽀审美修养、以年轻艺术家和策展人为主体的策展队伍,公司成立的一年里团队已经成功策划在巴黎,伦敦和北京的当代艺术展览和一次实验艺术电影节。冷冻雾霾团队经过多次策展得到了宝贵的经验,凭着踏实、严谨的⼯作作⻛逐渐得到了⾏业内艺术家的信赖和⽀持。 


冷冻雾霾-北京 :团队积极与北京798,草场地的画廊合作,努⼒创新艺术展览的形式。在中国的艺术会展领域存在⼀定国外艺术家项⽬空⽩的情况下,团队也帮助国内画廊引进国外艺术家和新兴艺术形式,为此国内各地区艺术产业的发展贡献⼒量。 承担艺术层⾯的社会责任感,努⼒提升本⼟居⺠艺术欣赏⽔平,创造⽂化创意新品牌。 


冷冻雾霾-巴黎:团队积极与欧洲各艺术策划团队合作,展览项⽬已覆盖 巴黎(法国)、伦敦(英国)等世界多个国家和地区。 带领艺术家作品在各大画廊提供展示机会·在⼴⼤艺术家和业内⼈⼠的⽀持和信赖下,公司将快速发展,努⼒打造艺术展览界明星企业,为伦敦和北京艺术展览⾏业良好的发展贡献⼒量。






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Ins: freezing__fog


Meet Our Team






Work as a curator for the Camberwell ILEA collection based online

exhibition 12/04/2021- 28/04/2021

Work as a curator and writing subcommittee for the online exhibition related to Her Noise Archive


SOLO Design for the Museum of the Order of St. John Museum 09/2018-02/2019

Object Design for Stave Hill Ecological Park, London 02/2019-06/2019

Organized the New Year Show and debate competition, being responsible for team cooperation, task allocation, process pushing, layout design and decoration of the activity site

Organizer, Visiting the Milk Manufacturing Factory of Mengniu Sept.2015


Sotheby’s Institute of Art Nov. 2021-Dec. 2021

Contemporary Art Since 1990

Chelsea College of Art, UAL Oct. 2020-Sept. 2021

Major: MA Curating and Collections

Rinka FAN


01. Providing client service (e.g. Assisting clients to sell their property; answering the inquiries of auction estimate); coordinating the Front-Desk team on private and public sales

02. Ensuring catalogue is properly marked in terms of property item location in the galleries

03. Acting as a liaison with departmental specialists on behalf of clients when further information required

04. Building and maintaining clients’ relationships, assisting and coordinating research, with both internal and external experts.

05. LIVE auction clerking, assisting both Evening Sales and Day Sales, and recording the results of auctions in JDE system

06. Assisting the collections team

24 agence


01. Victoria, content supervisor

Educational Background

- Bachelor-Literature, edition, media and audiovisual Paris-Sorbonne University

- Master-Comparative Literature Paris-Sorbonne University

- PhD-Comparative Literature Paris-Sorbonne University


Memoires and thesis

- Master’s Memoire “The representation of body in literature and films about the AIDS pandemic” Under the direction of Fabien Gris, honorable mention

- Master’s Memoire “The representation of body in today’s erotic literature and photography” Under the direction of Servanne Monjour, honorable mention

- PhD Thesis “The representation of ‘exotic feminity’ in literature and classical ballet of 19th century” Under the direction of Bernard Franco

Academic talks

- “ ‘Point cardinal’ and ‘les danseurs de l’aube’, hybrid body, object of rebellion” on seminaire of Festival Transversales 2021 “Trans’en Danse” organised by Rennes II University, 25 November 2021

- “The contorsion, popular hobby et wellness tool, the re-invention of a discipline by social media” on seminaire “When the Circus talks: multiple words and voices of circus. Memories, stories, archives.” Organised by the UMR Litt&Arts, 7 and 8 February 2022

- “The ‘exotic’ make-up on the scene of ‘Kà’, an evolution of today’s ‘orientalist’ performances” on seminaire “the roles of make-up on contemporary scenes” at Paul-Valéry Montpellier University. 11 March 2022

02. Alice, communication supervisor

Educational background

- MBA- Art Market ICART, school of professions of culture and art market, Paris

- Artistic direction and visual communication Intuit Lab School, school of design and strategy, Paris

Professional Experiences

- Art Paris Art Fair -Assistant of general curator -event logistics, public relations

- Fotofever Supervisor of communication -graphic designer and production supervisor of all communication tools (creation of original log for the occasion, direction of visuals and descriptions of event)

- Focus Art Fair (Paris) -Support of event organisation -Guided visite for amateurs and collectors

- Exposition “La Troisième Main” (“The Third Hand”) dedicated to ecologic transition in the world of contemporary art Communication supervisor -Supervisor of creations of communications supports and visuals -Management of social medias (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Wechat) -Concept creation, shooting and editing videos of artists interviews -planning of conference or seminaires

- Interone BBDO, international agency of advertisement, Beijing Assistante Designer -Team work to design the new interface of BMW’s website -Creation of mini-program for BMW Mini Cooper

03. Sylvia, strategy supervisor

Educational background

- Bachelor-Management of culture and art market ICART, school of professions of culture and art market, Paris


Curated Projects

- ‘La main à l’oeuvre” individual exposition of artist Hervé Fisher, 27 Octobre - 13 Novembre 2021

- “OMNI-objet média non identifié”, digital collective exposition of artists Claire Fanjul, Thomas Lerooy, Jean-Yves Gosti..., October 2020

- “All sorts of Ephemera”, collective exposition of artists Yusu Wang, Toria Ya Tuo, Xin Cui..., 25 August - 27 August 2021

Professional Experiences

Espace Sorbonne 4

Assistant of Galery’s director

- Organisation of cultural events (artistic expositions, mini concerts, fashion shootings...)

- Digital communication supervisor (social media, website, email)

- Public relations with artists and clients

- communication of international transportation issues


Assistant of communication department

- Concept creation and development of communication campaign

- Strategy propositions for communication projects

- Social media content preparation during the campaign

Urban Art Fair Mediator

- Taking charge of communication tools

- Management of social media platforms

- Shooting and editing videos of artists interviews

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